Cora the Explorer

I can’t say enough positive things about Cindy, and her breeding program. Without her I wouldn’t have Cora. Cindy‘s dogs are relaxed, personable and do well in new situations. Cora goes beyond what I expected when I picked her up to bring her to my house. She was brave, calm, and did well in a new situation. Cora is stunning. She moves like a dream. She is intelligent and much smarter than I am. She is brave yet cautious in new situations. But what I love most about Cora is her love for her family and her tenderness. From the very beginning when she was 4 months old she developed a habit of going outside and walking the perimeter of the property before she would relax and go to bed. I love her goofy side. She loves the snow and thinks she’s a snowplow. I love watching her enjoy every moment of life. She makes my heart happy.
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