
Here at Angel Day Shepherds we breed beautiful, healthy and sound  AKC German Shepherd Dogs. Because the health of our dogs is a priority, we only breed our females once a year. We follow a strict breeding program to ensure the health and purity of our German Shepherds.

“I have loved the German Shepherd breed since I was 7 years old and it has been a lifelong dream to breed them.”   Cindy Henderson


Shepherd Quote

Competent Breeder

As owner of Silverwood’s GSD we recommend Cindy Henderson as a competent breeder of wonderful GSD puppies. She does everything a breeder can to ensure that her puppies are healthy and have good temperaments. As an important part of her breeding program she tests her dogs for hips, elbows and DM. I’ve known Cindy for the past ten years; she purchased her first female from our kennel, after doing years of research in choosing what she wanted in a GSD breeding program, to start with. Our most important objective at Silverwood’s German Shepherds for the past forty years is to produce healthy puppies and dogs, with wonderful temperaments, that will become all around family companions. At Silverwood’s we have bred AKC champions, we’ve sold puppies that went on to achieve various working titles, as well as puppies that have been very successful in 4-H. Our breeding lines go back over twenty-five years. In breeding practices we have discovered that our lines cross well with those at Sharobi German Shepherds, where Cindy has been breeding her females. Like us, the owners of Sharobi breed for health and sound temperament. Thus, I am confident that anyone purchasing a puppy from Cindy will make an excellent and will acquire a loving animal. Cindy’s puppies are well socialized and she stands behind what she breeds.

Janet and Harvey LeDoux
Spokane WA
Silverwood German Shepherds

Janet LeDoux

Exceptional quality shepherds

As I am Cindy’s daughter some may be skeptical about my ability to remain impartial in my testimony. Rest assured that in all things, I say it like I see it! I have helped mom over the past many years in her breeding adventure. From researching potential dogs for years (and I mean a lot of years!) before purchasing her first breeding pair, to playing midwife when pups are arriving, she has relied on me often for help. I happen to be entirely too picky when it comes to choosing a breeding prospect animal! After years of watching her through this process, the one thing that has repeatedly struck true to me is that she has very high standards and will not compromise her breeding morals for something easier, or flashier, or cheaper! She has stuck to her convictions and because of that she has had to find homes for some really amazing dogs because they didn’t quite meet her breeding standards. As a result, the dogs that she produces are exceptional in temperament, conformation, and overall health and longevity! Despite all of the litters I helped raise and my confidence in my moms breeding practices, I had never kept a pup all these years. I mostly attributed it to the fact that the German shepherd is just not “my” breed. Last fall one of her young adult pups was returned to her because his owners lives changed. He’s a nice looking dog but I didn’t think much of him… at first. I took him to work with me one day to show him to a potential new home. After we had spent a couple hours getting to know each other I made the decision not to call the interested person, this dog had an AMAZING temperament!! Well now fozzie is officially my boy! He is sensitive, energetic, loyal, protective, intelligent, all of the desired qualities of the GSD. He also has exceptional conformation and color and he turns a lot of heads when we are out and about. Now that I own one of Mom’s amazing pups I can say with all honesty that she doesn’t charge nearly enough for the incredible quality dogs that she produces! Lucky for you, one of her goals as a breeder is to produce the highest quality GSD at a price that anyone can afford! I could not be prouder of my moms GSD breeding program! Rest easy knowing every Angelday shepherd is extensively temperament and health tested, they really are some of the nicest dogs available in the US!


Cora the Explorer

I can’t say enough positive things about Cindy, and her breeding program. Without her I wouldn’t have Cora. Cindy‘s dogs are relaxed, personable and do well in new situations. Cora goes beyond what I expected when I picked her up to bring her to my house. She was brave, calm, and did well in a new situation. Cora is stunning. She moves like a dream. She is intelligent and much smarter than I am. She is brave yet cautious in new situations. But what I love most about Cora is her love for her family and her tenderness. From the very beginning when she was 4 months old she developed a habit of going outside and walking the perimeter of the property before she would relax and go to bed. I love her goofy side. She loves the snow and thinks she’s a snowplow. I love watching her enjoy every moment of life. She makes my heart happy.

Elizabeth Bennion

Perfect addition to the family

Since Farris (from Angel Day Shepherds first litter) passed away I was so heart broken. He had left a German shepherd shaped hole in our hearts and left my family missing an important member/piece.

Nearly a year later Cindy talked me into at least meeting her recent puppies.
We met them and within an hour we were picking out the puppy.

We decided to bring Thorin home and we couldn’t be happier. Amazing temperament, playful, smart, loving, silly and obedient. Our son (age 7) and him are inseparable and there’s no question that they adore each other. Thorin loves the snow!! Farris and now Thorin absolutely love the snow so if you are wanting a snow dog as well look no further!
I would highly highly HIGHLY recommend Angel day shepherds if you are considering bringing a GSD into your family.

Austin, Ashley and Bridger

Truly Amazing

I got Apollo from a little of Indiana and Libby and then rescued Raven who was returned and turned out she was from the same litter! I can’t speak volumes on these two dogs and how amazing their temperament and over health is! They are and were everything I wanted in a German Shepherd! Cindy was a amazing at letting me come out and meet her dogs before so I made sure I knew what pup I wanted from what dogs and when rescuing raven she let me bring Apollo to make sure they were a good fit! Can’t wait to get another pup from her down the road! Thank you for giving me two dogs that truly have saved my life more times than I can count.


Perfect family dog

It was an amazing experience being able to hold Bentley in one hand after he was born, to seeing him turn into a full grown dog. He has an amazing temperament, he’s great with my son, he’s smart, loyal, healthy, GORGEOUS, stubborn, funny, amazing.. I can talk about him forever. He practically leash trained himself (he’s so easy to train), so when we go anywhere he stays by me. His “job” is to protect my son, and he takes it very seriously. We go out running, to parks, the mountains, etc, and he always stays close enough to see us, on or off leash. I couldn’t be any happier. Cindy is so nice and professional, and I think it’s awesome how thorough she is in making sure her puppies go to great homes. There’s no doubt in my mind she cares about her animals and her customers. I recommend her to anyone that compliments Bentley or is thinking about getting a dog!

Michelle Greeley

I Couldn’t Ask for a Better Pup

Like the title states I could not ask for a better pup (Duke is 16 weeks old when I wrote this on January 31st, 2017) nor could I ask for a better breeder to get him from. Cindy was so great to work with on the process of getting my puppy. I started talking to Cindy a little under a year before I purchased one of her fantastic puppies. She responded quickly, and honestly, with all my questions (and trust me I had a lot of them) She let me come out and visit her dogs whenever I wanted, and after the puppies were born I was there almost every weekend checking in on them, which she was more than OK with. This is a lady who truly cares about GSD’s and not just making money as a breeder. Trust me she could sell these dogs for a lot more than she does, but she doesn’t because she wants the everyday person to be able to afford a high quality dog!

My puppy was born on October 8th, 2016, and his name is Duke. I have never owned a GSD before him, but I have raised two other puppies both from 8 weeks old and I can honestly say that Duke is by far the easiest puppy that I have ever had. He has the energy of a pup of course and I have had to correct him on basic things like jumping up and common puppy behavior but he is for sue not a wild child by any means. He truly cares about his family, at about 12 weeks of age his protective instincts already started to kick in. For example if he hears a strange noise, or a knock on the door he will instantly stand in front of my family and me in a protective manor until he recognizes the person coming into the door, I find that trait very cool seeing as I have 3 young children and I know he will protect them, especially when he is older.

Duke is great with my kids, I have a 6, 4, and 2 year old that adore him. Mind you I have had to correct some behavior and let Duke know that he is at the bottom of the totem pole, so to speak, when it comes to family structure but he has learned and adapted very quickly. He is so smart it amazes me sometimes.

Duke has a great look to him and when he is fully grown I know he will be a very handsome boy. I get compliments all the time at how great he looks, and how big he is going to be (very big paws). He is 16 weeks old right now and he fills my family’s heart with so much joy and we owe it all to Cindy and her great dogs at Angel Day German Shepherds. If you decide to purchase your pup from her you will not be disappointed!

Cameron Grant

Best Family Dog Ever

Raina joined our family last summer when our sons were 1yo & 4yo. She has been the greatest addition to our family. She loves this family with every ounce of her never ending energy. Even as a puppy she knew how to play gently with our babies. Now, 8 months later, we can’t even remember our family without her.
She is a lifeguard in the bath or hot tub. She is a Playmate and protector with the kids during outdoor adventures. She is athletic and absolutely gorgeous. Her temperament and intelligence are truly on another level. She rarely leaves the kids side and she is most content when the whole family is together.
Another amazing story is that she has taken it upon herself to befriend our older neighbor. When the kids are at school she will go over to his house and tap on the back door. He lets her in and they visit for a few hours and then she comes home… usually with a new bandana around her neck 🙂 Our neighbor refers to Raina as his therapist. I can’t imagine (during a pandemic especially) finding a better friend!
If you are looking for an amazing family dog, I recommend angel day shepherds 100%.


Farris and Elsa

My husband purchased Farris a little over 5 years ago and they are inseparable. This was a year before I met my now husband. I never necessarily cared for German shepherds before I met Farris. I fell in love with him and he with me. We loved him so much that we purchased Elsa from Cindy last June. Elsa is somewhat of a “free spirit” especially compared to Farris but we love her all the same. Farris and Elsa are spoiled rotten and our babies and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Cindy has been wonderful to work with, and is always available as a resource. She is very knowledgable and always willing to help.

Austin and Ashley

Best dog, EVER!

I have a female pup from Libby and Indie, who is almost 2 now. She was so easy to train, we started with a trainer when she was just 12 weeks! Our trainer said “you got an eye candy dog!” We did for sure…we constantly get stopped by people, and told what a beautiful girl she is! She is so loving and gentle, yet very protective too. She is my registered emotional support dog and instinctively knows when I am stressed, sad, or having anxiety. I highly recommend Cindy and her dogs!
